Posts Tagged ‘talking parrot’

Pancho The Talking Parrot Now At La Cocotera Resort and Ecolodge

Tuesday, September 27th, 2011

In the last few months we were fortunate enough to have rescued a parrot from a raided gang house in El Salvador. To our surprise, Pancho has quite an extensive vocabulary that he picked up while living with his former caretakers.

Visitors of the area as well as guests of our ecolodge have the opportunity to see Pancho the Talking Parrot in person. Take a look at the video and see for yourself. We are happy to welcome him to our beautiful beach resort in El Salvador.

La Cocotera Receives Two Yellow-Naped Parrots!

Wednesday, February 16th, 2011

Yello-naped parrot

Our eco resort is proud to announce the latest additions to the parrots that we have at our eco resort.  We have received two yellow-naped parrots named “Pancho” and “Patricio.”  Pancho was given to La Cocotera after he was found in an abandoned house in El Salvador by the police. The police did not know what to do with him so they gave him to La Cocotera.  We do not know much about Pancho’s background; but, we can assume that he was taken care of by a few women because he will say women’s names like, “Carmen” and “Maria.”  At La Cocotera, we are very impressed by his extensive vocabulary.  Patricio is only a baby parrot and Pancho has been teaching him to talk.  Pancho, for example, would say, “¡abarra la puerta!”  Now, Pancho and Patricio say, “¡abarra la puerta!” which means in English, “open the door.”   Patricio was found in the area near La Cocotera as a chick in a nest that had been poached.

Our two new yellow-naped parrots are a great new addition to the Scarlet Macaws that are part of our Species Reintroduction Program.  Yellow-naped parrots are endangered.  Deforestation of the regions these birds are from along with the illegal removing of the young for pet trade contribute to the decline in numbers of yellow-naped parrots.   Yellow-naped parrots are all green when they are young and as they mature they develop the “yellow-nape” on their necks.  Yellow-naped parrot

When you’re staying at La Cocotera, be sure to check out the yellow-naped parrots!  See if you can even teach the parrots some new words to say, they love to talk!